As what we've been aware of, dream catcher is the new trend now. For those who don't know what is dream catcher is the Indians believed that dreams both good and bad descended from the night sky. Bad dreams where captured in a web and held there until the rays of the morning sun evaporated them. Good dreams supped through the web on to the dreamer.Well basically dream catcher is one of the fashion available. People start making it as a necklace, bracelet, earrings, and many more. And some like to make it as a decoration.
With that i'm here to sell these dream catcher. I made it by myself hand made. Each of you can tell me what kind of design and colour that you like. I'll make it :)
So here's few of the dream catcher that is available.
For necklace
RM 30
RM 15 each
RM 15
RM 20 each
RM 20
For earrings
RM 35
RM 20 each
RM 35
RM 30
RM 35
For bracelet
RM 20 each
RM 25
RM 30
RM 15
RM 20 each
RM 50
RM 35
RM 50
RM 35
RM 40
So what are you waiting for guys! place your order. hurry! You can place your order by emailing me at or call me at 012-3456723.